
Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Rank Better on SERP. Get More Organic Traffic :

Explore the untapped possibilities of your online presence and conquer the search engine rankings effortlessly! Look no beyond digitalsouvik.in – the forefront provider of exceptional SEO services in Kolkata. We boast a track record of delivering unmatched results for businesses across various sizes and industries, setting us apart as the ultimate choice for your SEO needs.


What Sets digitalsouvik Apart As The Best SEO Company In Kolkata?

digitalsouvik.in distinguishes itself as The Best SEO Expert In Kolkata for businesses through several key factors:

  1. In-depth Business Understanding: We excel in comprehending the unique aspects of businesses, identifying the most relevant keywords for our clients—be they commercial, transactional, or informational.

  2. Proficiency in Website URL Structure: Recognizing the crucial role of website URL structure in SEO strategy, we optimize websites effectively.

  3. Expertise in Google Algorithms: Staying ahead of the curve, we keep up with the latest Google Algorithms, particularly focusing on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines.

  4. User-Centric Content Strategy: Our approach targets keywords while prioritizing user experience, ensuring that our content ranks well, engages visitors, and satisfies their needs.

  5. Structured Data Mastery: Enhancing our SEO efforts, we implement structured data markups precisely and validate them using rich test result tools.

  6. Advanced Reporting and Analysis: Leveraging AI-powered tools, we provide thorough reporting and in-depth analysis of our SEO campaigns, allowing us to refine strategies for optimal results

Why Choose My SEO Services in Kolkata

As a component of my Best SEO Company in Kolkata, I conduct a comprehensive audit of your website, examining areas that may require additions or enhancements. Here are some key aspects that my SEO company takes into account.

SEO Optimization

Elevate your online presence with precision. Our Technical SEO services optimize every aspect for peak performance.

Content Quality

Superior content quality captivates audiences, fosters engagement, and fuels online success

Local SEO

Optimize local visibility for your business with strategic Local SEO solutions. Boost rankings, attract customers.

On-Page SEO

Optimize your web presence with our On-Page SEO service for superior search engine visibility.

Off-Page SEO

Enhance online visibility with strategic Off-Page SEO tactics for improved rankings and brand authority.


Unlock insights, drive decisions. Analytics empowers informed choices for smarter outcomes.

Advantages of Opting for digitalsouvik as Your SEO Expert In Kolkata:

  1. Expertise and Experience: With a wealth of experience in the digital marketing realm, our team of SEO specialists possesses the knowledge and expertise to craft personalized strategies aligned seamlessly with your business objectives. We remain abreast of the latest search engine algorithms and industry trends, ensuring your website maintains a competitive edge.
  2. Tailored Strategies: Recognizing the uniqueness of each business, we eschew a one-size-fits-all approach. Our SEO services are fully customizable, addressing your specific business needs. Whether you’re a startup or an established enterprise, we have the ideal SEO solution for you.
  3. Transparent Reporting: Committing to complete transparency, we furnish our clients with regular, detailed reports showcasing the progress of their SEO campaigns. You’ll always be informed about your website’s performance and the tangible impact of our services.
  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: Our SEO services aim to provide optimal ROI without straining your budget. We offer competitive pricing, ensuring that businesses of all sizes can access our expertise without compromising on quality.
seo company in kolkata

Initiate the journey towards enhancing your online success with digitalsouvik’s SEO company in Kolkata. Our team is enthusiastic about collaborating closely with you to formulate an SEO strategy that propels your business to new heights of success.

How Local SEO Service Help Grow Up Your Business?

You should ensure that you know about exactly why you should utilize moderate neighborhood SEO administrations and how it can assist your business with growing. In the event that a person who is scanning on the web and is searching for the best Local SEO consultant in Kolkata,India that is close by, at that point they will go to the closest area to get what they need. Here are a portion of the manners in which it can help, including: Higher Conversion, Higher ROI, Credibility, Online Review.

Why E-Commerce SEO service For Your E-Trade Business?

E-Commerce SEO is constantly a test right now in 2024. The greater part of the Digital Marketer follows the Black Hat SEO Technique to bring the E-trade Website at the highest point of the Search Engine Result Page. Therefore, those E-trade locales get punished by Google over the long haul. It is difficult to avoid the eyes of Google by actualizing untrustworthy SEO methods. As an Expert SEO Consultant I am aware to improve client experience Google consistently refreshes the Algorithm, henceforth one needs to follow the White Hat SEO Techniques of Google with stunts and cerebrums to bring an eCommerce Website at the highest point of Google SERP.

What is My E-commerce SEO service process?

As an E-COMMERCE SEO Consultant, my main goal is to increase the tendency of your products to appear in search results, notwithstanding how niche or extend your range of products are:-

* Site design improvement
* Paid entries to significant web crawlers
* Structuring web search tool benevolent sites
* Entries to territorial engines
* Entries to industry-specific engines
* Pay-per-click campaigns​
* Link popularity services
* Persistent revealing and checking of your site
* Contender examination and observe substance arrangement administrations

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