
Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Connect For The Best Website Design and Development Services In Kolkata, India With over 5+ years of experience, I have completed 100+ website designs with a 100% success rate. We have a huge and satisfied clientele all across the globe. We create customized, engaging, and interactive website designs & Website development for all to ensure increased traffic and conversion rates.

Some Of My Latest Work:

Digitalsouvik Offering Wide Varieties Website Design and Development Services

  1. Responsive Web Design:
    Did you be aware, that around 51% of the worldwide cell phone populace access the Internet from their brilliant gadget according to a review in 2015? It was normal to develop by 61% by 2018. Along these lines, responsive website architecture is the interest of the present business world. We are dealing with it reliably.
  2. Landing Page Design:
    The greeting page addresses your site. The really captivating the page will be, the more traffic it will get. We configure pages in an expert way to transform your crowds into forthcoming purchasers. So if you wanna give your users a good time when they’ll go through your site & That’ll be the turning point for your business.
  3. E-Commerce Website: Design
    Plan your own e-site interesting to lay down a good foundation for yourself as a brand. Our specialists can plan your re-entrance 100 per cent exceptional, easy to use, simple to explore and proficient. With A good E-Commerce Website, Your can reach your goals with your business, so let us start Working on the plan, & Create your own E-Commerce.
  4. Custom Website Design:
    Whether you are a beginning up or an accomplished association, counsel us to get reasonable corporate website architecture. We have a group of master website specialists in India who can plan a webpage to live up to your assumptions.
  5. Redesign Services:
    Assuming you are feeling that your financial plan can be botched on account of the upgrade, Next Screen will assist you with getting reasonable update administrations. Get another hope to improve clients commitment!

Why My Web Design Services in Kolkata Can Be The Game Changer?

  1. Robust Project Plan:
    Each venture plan is thorough and makes some particular memories bound to keep up with work consistency. I chip away at a venture in a precise way to keep up with impressive skill.
  2. Transparent Work:
    Nothing will be stowed away from you. I keep you refreshed with the ongoing place of your undertaking consistently. Straightforward work advancement is our need.
  3. Customized Design:
    I plan according to the client’s perspective as well as indicated by your rules. I accept that extraordinary website architecture is an ideal blend of the right design.
  4. Quality Assurance:
    Client satisfaction is my priority and it is achieved when the client is happy. My web design may be inspired by others instead of copied. I maintain the trust factor.
  5. Affordable Services:
    I offer affordable web design services in Kolkata, India. Request me for quotes and compare them with my competitors. You, Will, know the truth. Guaranteed lowest market price.
We get results

What is App Development?

We help ambitious businesses like yours generate more profits by building awareness, driving web traffic, connecting with customers, and growing overall sales. Give us a call.

  • We provide a revolutionary level of transparency into our campaigns - from backlink acquisition.
  • Want to test our process before ramping up the budget? We'll prove our model and you'll see revenue soar.

We help ambitious businesses like yours generate more profits by building awareness, driving web traffic, connecting with customers, and growing overall sales. Give us a call.

  • Want to test our process before ramping up the budget? We'll prove our model and you'll see revenue soar.
  • We provide a revolutionary level of transparency into our campaigns - from backlink acquisition.
why app depelopment

Work with a Dedicated
SEO Company

From keyword research to technical auditing to site migration, our team of technical SEOs are true experts in their field.
Keyword Research 70%
Technical SEO Audit 80%
Content Optimization 60%

Take Website to Next Level!

how we work

Our Website Development Strategies

We follow 3 steps to work with our client’s website development project.

1st Step
1st Step

Project Receipt

  • Requirement Gathering
  • Scope Definition
  • Technology Selection
  • Timeline Estimation
  • Resource Allocation
2nd step
2nd step

Project Execution

  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Content Creation and Integration
  • Quality Assurance Testing
  • Client Review and Feedback
3rd step
3rd step

Project Delivery

  • Deployment and Launch
  • Training and Documentation:
  • Handover and Support
  • Post-Launch Optimization

Our Valuable Client

Take Your Business Online with Me:

My Website Design and Development Service is a prestigious establishment in the field of assorted web advancement. the best web improvement organization in Kolkata and offers a consistent and productive assistance in the field of virtual entertainment advertising, site, web application and portable application advancement, SEO and computerized promoting, frameworks in regards to web based business, and the board in a refreshed and most ideal manner. I have it all that will assist you with taking your business to a next level. I esteem my different and exceptional worldwide customer base and they are our most significant resources.

free consultation

Would you like to start a project with us?

Let’s Discuss Your Business Over A Cup Of Coffee & Discover Your True Potential.

client testimonials

What They
Say About Our

Romen Halder
Services provided by digital souvik is actually a game changer. My business transition from offline to online was effectively showing results. Throughout the process support and dedication provided by Digital Souvik was expectional.
Romen Halder
Business Owner
Rittika Mallik
As a jewellery showroom owner i cannot express enough gratitude for the exceptional services provided by digital souvik. They way they represented our business digital in every platform is outstanding, it increased our annual sales and taken our marketing strategies to next level.
Rittika Mallik
Jewellery Shop Owner
Rahul Pal
Digital souvik understand s the challenges all cafes has to face in today's world. They provided tailored solutions for our problems by highlighting our cafe's atmosphere, by creating unique content of menu offerings and special events by effectively capturing the attention of our target customers.
Rahul Pal
Cafe Owner